Thursday, November 26, 2009

6 Healthy Uses for COCONUT OIL

1. Skin Care: Wanna look like you just came back from an hour of yoga? Coconut oil works wonders as a moisturizer for all skin types, especially dry skin and aging skin, leaving you refreshed and looking wide-awake. No headstand required! The fat in the oil helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles without any irritation. Coconut oil can also help with skin problems like psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin conditions. In fact, the oil is frequently used in expensive skin care products.

2. Stress Relief: Long day at the office, kids won’t stop screaming and your dog left a little “present” on your vintage bedspread? Relieve mental fatigue by applying coconut oil to the head in a circular, massaging motion. The natural aroma of coconuts is extremely soothing thus helping to lower your stress level.

3. Digestion: The saturated fats in coconut oil have anti-bacterial properties that help control, parasites, and fungi that cause indigestion and other digestion related problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. The fat in coconut oil also aids in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, making you healthier all around.

4. Fitness: Coconut oil has been proven to stimulate your metabolism, improve thyroid function, and escalate energy levels, all of which help decrease your unwanted fat, while increasing muscle. Because of this, coconut oil has shot to popularity by being the world’s only natural low-calorie fat.

5. Healing: When applied on scrapes and cuts, coconut oil forms a thin, chemical layer which protects the wound from outside dust, bacteria and virus. Coconut oil speeds up the healing process of bruises by repairing damaged tissues. Plus, it smells a heck-of-a-lot better than anything from the pharmacy.

6. Hair Care: $20 hair conditioners? I don’t think so! Coconut oil is one of the most nutritious products you can put on your hair. Massage a bit of the oil onto your scalp and presto – no more dandruff. Since it provides the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged hair, it’s used in a ton of over-the-counter hair products anyway. Why not cut to the chase and skip all the unnecessary chemicals?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

8 Healthy Seaweeds Worth Knowing and Trying

At Body Ecology we prefer to call them sea vegetables, but the consumption of seaweed enjoys a very long history throughout the world, and for good reason: they're delicious and incredibly healthy for you!

Sea vegetables are a staple of Japanese cuisine, and in Chinese ancient times, sea vegetables were considered a delicacy suitable for honored guests and royalty.

Although gaining more popularity in our own Western culture today, many regions and countries located near water have long used seaweeds since ancient times.

Benefits of Sea Vegetables Include:

  • Prevent aging and chronic disease
  • Prevent cellular mutations that cause cancer
  • Relieve menopausal symptoms
  • Prevent birth defects
  • Alkalize your blood
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Balance thyroid function
  • Detoxify your body from heavy metals, environmental pollutants, and carcinogens
  • Have anti-inflammatory effects
  • Control the growth of pathogenic viruses, candida, and pathogenic bacteria
  • Fight constipation
  • Lower your blood pressure and reduce tension
  • Improve your heart health
  • Contain powerful antioxidants

And if you are a baby boomer looking for the secrets to remaining "forever young," sea veggies should high on your list of the most anti-aging of foods.

Sea vegetables are a great source of vitamins, fiber, protein, and offer the broadest range of minerals of any food. There are thousands of varieties of sea vegetables, although not all of them are enjoyed as foods. They come in a variety of colors, usually green, brown, and red.

Here are some of the more popular ones that you should have no trouble finding online, in your local health food store, or any Asian market:

  • Nori - Sushi anyone? This may be the one seaweed you're familiar with because of its use in sushi rolls. Even though it's usually dark green, or black in color, Nori is the Japanese term for various edible seaweed species of red algae.
    It's made by shredding the sea vegetables and making them into what resembles sheets of paper. Japan, Korea, and China are the world's largest producers of nori, which grows very rapidly, and can be harvested within 45 days of its seeding.

    How to Use: We like to eat toasted nori as a snack or by using it as a wrap for a range of delicious fillings like cultured vegetables, quinoa salad, or various nut pates.
  • Kombu - Great for Soup. Kombu is an edible large seaweed that actually belongs to a family of brown algae. Over 90 percent of it is cultivated and harvested in Japan.
    It's used extensively in Japanese cooking, particularly for dashi, which is a soup stock used to make miso soup.

    How to Use: You can add strips of kombu to flavor any soup by adding strips of kombu in the water and simmering for 30 minutes to release all the minerals.
  • Wakame - Future Fat Burner? Wakame is closely related to Kombu. In addition to many mentioned benefits, recently, researchers in Japan found a compound in wakame that appears to show promise in the fight against obesity

    It is also one of the highest vegetarian sources of an Omega-3 fatty acids based on its nutrient to calorie ratio

    How to Use:
    With its pretty green color and delicate flavor, wakame is great in soups and salads.
  • Hijiki - Natural Beauty Aid. This brown sea vegetable grows wild around the coasts of Japan, Korea and China and has been used abundantly for centuries.

    Packed with fiber and minerals, according to Japanese folklore, hijiki is also a natural health and beauty aid. They attribute their lustrous, thick, dark hair to regular consumption of hijiki!

    How to Use: Hijiki must be soaked and chopped before you cook it, and takes much longer than other sea vegetables to prepare. Just be sure to simmer it for at least 45 minutes to an hour until it's really tender. Often times we like to chop it rather finely because to a newcomer it looks a little like black worms. This sea veggie may not be the very first one you want to introduce to your pickiest eaters. Not only is it quite black (we're not used to black food in the US, and it is also a bit salty and fishy. However, it's easy to change the taste. Cook it with lots of sweet onions and carrots, plus some chopped red pepper. Then add a large dollop of whole grain mustard and wheat free, low sodium tamari to taste. (Here's another simple recipe: Sauté onions and carrots in unrefined coconut oil, add hijiki, cover with filtered water, and cook for 45 minutes to an hour. You can even add small chunks of butternut squash to create a delicious stew. When chilled, this makes a delicious topping for salads, or filling for nori wraps!)
  • Dulse - Easy Snack. Dulse is grown on the northern Atlantic and Pacific coasts, and has been an important source of fiber in Iceland for centuries. It's also common in Northern Ireland, and in Canada. In Iceland, the tradition is to eat it with butter, although it's delicious in soups, and as a salad topping too.

    How to Use: You can eat dulse right out of the package as a quick snack that's packed with protein and iron. Carry it with you and eat it when you need some energy or brain food. You can also purchase packages of dulse flakes and sprinkle it on salads
    By the way, most people mispronounce dulse. It rhymes with pulse.
  • Arame - The Sweet One. Arame is also a brown algae that is very popular in Japanese cuisine, and is known for it mild, almost sweet flavor. It's usually found in finely shredded strands that have a crispy texture.

    How to Use: Soak arame until it softens. After that you can chop it and toss it into a salad without even cooking it. If you want to serve it as a delicious hot dish, it's great with sautéed sweet onions and carrots. This arame, onion, carrot dish can be chilled and added to a leafy green salad. We also love to serve it hot as a topping for your Body Ecology grain-like seeds.
  • Agar - Perfect for Sweet Desserts! Agar is a vegetarian alternative to gelatin. As you know, digestive heath is our specialty at Body Ecology, so we love recipes based around agar. It lubricates your digestive tract, and has mild laxative properties.

    How to Use: Agar is mostly used in sweet puddings and aspics and it's easy to work with
  • Laminaria Japonica - Miracle Cleanser! which is a common species of kelp that inhabits very cold waters in the northern hemisphere and temperate ones in the southern hemisphere. Laminaria Japonica nourishes your thyroid function balancing and has cardiovascular benefits. But in particular, it is known for its ability to detoxify your body from heavy metals and free radicals

3 legjobb zsírégető őszi zöldség

3 legjobb zsírégető őszi zöldség

Savanyú káposzta

Ízletes, tele van C-vitaminnal, és még a fogyásban is segít – a savanyú káposzta a tél igazi Jolly Jokere, hiszen azokban a hónapokban is bárhol vásárolhatsz belőle, amikor friss zöldséget alig találsz a piacokon. Érdemes is beiktatnod az étrendedbe: a savanyú káposzta a benne lévő C-vitaminnak, mangánnak, cinknek és réznek köszönhetően erősíti a szervezeted ellenálló képességét a baktériumokkal és vírusokkal szemben, de tisztítja a beleket, és szabályozza működésüket is. Mivel az apróra vágott levelek B-vitamint is tartalmaznak, fogyasztásuk jó hatással van az idegrendszerre, enyhíti a szorongást és a rossz közérzetet, elűzi a depressziót.
Hogyan fogyhatsz a savanyú káposztával?
Mivel 100 gramm savanyú káposzta mindössze 20 kcal-t tartalmaz, bátran beépítheted a fogyókúrás menübe is - hiszen amellett, hogy alig van benne kalória, diétázás közben is védi az immunrendszeredet, és a növényi rostoknak köszönhetően az emésztésedet is felgyorsítja.
Recept tipp: Almás-sonkás savanyú káposzta
Negyed kiló savanyú káposztát csepegtess le, vágd durva darabokra. Egy savanykás alma húsát, illetve tíz dekagramm gépsonkát csíkozz fel, és keverd a káposztához. Egy pohár tejfölt fűszerezz meg egy kevés borssal és sóval, majd öntsd rá a salátára, végül díszítsd egy kevés petrezselyemlevéllel.

A 3 legjobb zsírégető őszi zöldség

A kelbimbó a téli ebédek és vacsorák ideális alapanyaga, ugyanis akár a leghidegebb időben is frissen beszerezheted, ráadásul tele van vitaminnal és ásványi anyagokkal, amelyek megvédik a szervezetedet a téli betegségekkel szemben. Rengeteg benne a C-, B- és K-vitamin, de kalciumot, béta-karotint, magnéziumot, foszfort, vasat és ként is tartalmaz, ezért csökkenti a gyulladásokat, erősíti az immunrendszert, sőt számos kutatás szerint rákmegelőző hatása is van.
Hogyan fogyhatsz a kelbimbóval?
A kelbimbót jól használhatod a fogyókúrádhoz is, ugyanis nagyon magas a víz- és a rosttartalma – hatóanyagai segítik az anyagcserét, ráadásul tíz dekagramm kelbimbóban mindössze 36 kcal van.
Recept tipp: Joghurtos-sajtos kelbimbó
Húsz-harminc dekagramm kelbimbót enyhén sós vízben főzz puhára, majd szedd ki egy kivajazott tűzálló tálba. Ha szereted a fűszeres ételeket, szórj rá egy kevés sót, borsot vagy ételízesítőt, majd öntsd le egy pohár sovány joghurttal, és szórj rá reszelt sajtot! Tíz-tizenöt percig süsd, majd tálald!


Az illatos sült tök tradicionális késő őszi-téli csemege, ám a különböző tökfajtákat más, diétás ételek elkészítéséhez is felhasználhatod. Nem fogod megbánni, hiszen amellett, hogy ízletes fogások kerülnek majd az asztalodra, az egészségedet is véded: a főzőtök levében lévő szerves nátrium és só méregteleníti a májat, segíti a működését, sőt a vércukorszintet is csökkenti, emiatt a cukorbetegségben szenvedők is bátran fogyaszthatják. Nem szabad elfeledkezned a tökmagról sem, amely a réznek, a cinknek, a szelénnel, a mangánnak és E-vitaminnak köszönhetően tisztítja a vért, megszünteti a székrekedést, és enyhíti a vese, a prosztata és a húgyhólyag megbetegedéseit.
Hogyan fogyhatsz a tökkel?
100 gramm főzőtökben (más néven úritökben vagy spárgatökben) átlagosan 30-31 kcal van, 1,1-1,5 g fehérje és 5-6 g szénhidrát és nagyon kevés zsír van, ezért akkor is fogyaszthatod, ha éppen diétázol. Sőt, májtisztító hatásának köszönhetően méregtelenítő kúrák alkalmával is érdemes rendszeresen tökből készült ételeket enned.
Recept tipp: tökös tócsni
Gyalulj le fél kilogramm spárgatököt, adj hozzá egy fej lereszelt vöröshagymát, illetve két tojást. Ezután szórj a keverékre egy-két teáskanál lisztet, öt-tíz dekagramm apróra reszelt sajtot, majd fűszerezd a keveréket sóval, borssal. Egy kevés olajat forrósíts fel, szaggasd bele a tökös keveréket, és süsd pár percig!

Bőrszépítő tippek - házilag

1. Készíts házilag arclemosót!
Minden nap használj kímélő lemosót az elhalt hámsejtek eltávolítása céljából. Készítheted tejből, zöld teából vagy kamillából is.

Tejes lemosó nyakra főre
A tej táplál, a benne található tejsav leoldja az elhalt hámsejteket, így kíméletesen segít eltávolítani a szennyeződéseket a bőrödről.
Így készítsd a pakolást:
Egy vattakorongra csepegtess magas zsírtartamú tejet. Kend át vele bőrödet, és 3-4 perc után mosd le ásványvízzel.

Tonik zöld teából vagy kamillából
A zöld tea sok bőrvédő antioxidánst tartalmaz, a kamilla pedig bőrnyugtató, gyulladáscsökkentő hatású.
Így készítsd a tonikot:
Főzd meg a hozzávalókat, annak megfelelően, hogy melyiket szeretnéd felhasználni. A főzetet szűrd le, és néhány cseppet tegyél egy vattakorongra. Néhány percig hagyd rajta a bőrödön, majd langyos vízzel mosd le.

2. Hetente egyszer radírozz!
Hetente egyszer radírozással távolítsd el az elhalt hámot, szennyeződéseket.

Diós arcradír
1 evőkanál joghurtot keverj össze 1 evőkanál darált dióval és masszírozó körkörös mozdulatokkal könnyedén radírozd át vele a bőrödet.

3. Csodapakolás házilag!
A megtisztított arcbőrre kenj fel a bőrtípusodnak megfelelő pakolást.

Banános pakolás vízhiányos, száraz bőrre
Pépesre törj össze egy fél banánt, keverd el egy teáskanálnyi mézzel és két teáskanál tejföllel. A pakolást egyenletes rétegben kend fel az arcra, és pihenj a maszkban 10-15 percig. Végül langyos vízzel mosd le. Száraz bőrre kipróbálhatod még az őszibarack, alma és egy teáskanál méz keverékét.

Uborkás pakolás zsíros bőrre
Reszelj le egy uborkát vagy sárgarépát és keverd össze egy evőkanál joghurttal. Ezek a hozzávalók felfrissítik a bőrt. Kend fel egyenletesen a kencét, majd 10 perc elteltével langyos vízzel mosd le a bőrödet. Utána használd a jól bevált hidratáló krémedet.

Kakaóporos, kényeztető pakolás normál bőrre
Keverj össze 1 teáskanál tejszínt, ugyanennyi túrót, 2 teáskanál mézet, 1 evőkanál zabpelyhet és 1 teáskanál kakaóport. Ezek az összetevők hidratálják, ellátják tápanyagokkal és regenerálják az időjárástól megviselt bőrt.

Üdítő arclemosó

Facsard ki egy kisebb narancs levét, szűrd le, majd egy vattapamacs segítségével mosd át vele az arcbőrödet. Ez a speciális tonik magas C-vitamin-tartalmának köszönhetően frissíti és élénkíti a bőrt.


Ha nincs időd hosszabb szépítkezésre, akkor gyorsan préseld ki egy alma levét, adj egy kanálnyit kevés hidratálókrémhez, majd ezt pár perc erejéig vidd fel az arcodra. Ez a vitaminos pakolás rövid idő alatt is élénkíti és regenerálja a fáradt bőrt.

Szem alá való

Hámozz meg és szeletelj fel egy krumplit, majd tegyél egy-egy gerezdet a szemedre és a szem környékére. A zöldségben található savak segítenek eltüntetni a szem alatti duzzanatokat. Ha nincs burgonyád, használj helyette uborkát.

Hámlasztó bőrradír

Préseld ki egy alma levét, adj hozzá kevés langyos tejet és morzsolt élesztőt, majd alaposan dolgozd masszává az összetevőket. A keveréket vidd fel az arcbőrödre, hagyd rászáradni, végül a kezeddel dörzsöld le. Remekül tisztítja a zsíros bőrt.

Ránctalanító keverék

Reszelj le egy almát, és keverd össze három evőkanál tejföllel. A masszát vidd fel az arcodra, nyakadra, dekoltázsodra, és hagyd rajta húsz percig. Mosd le langyos vízzel. Száraz, érzékeny bőrűeknek remek hidratáló és ránctalanító hatás biztosít.

Bőrsimító kence

Egy doboz natúr joghurtot keverj össze két evőkanál mézzel, és kend fel a combodra, a fenekedre. Mivel a méz táplál, a joghurt pedig hidratál, a pakolás feszesíti és kisimítja a problémás bőrterületet. Ha sportolás után használod ezt a keveréket, az eredmény még látványosabb lesz.

Feszesítő kendő

Főzz egy jó erős kamillateát, hűtsd ki, és szűrd le. A megtisztított arcodat és dekoltázsodat vékonyan kend be hidratálókrémmel, majd boríts rá egy langyos kamillás kendőt. Maradj így negyed óráig, a kendőt esetleg többször is a teába márthatod. Az eljárás után sima és feszes lesz a kezelt felület.

Pattanás ellen

Kevés túrót vegyíts pár csepp citromlével, majd vigyél fel belőle a pattanásra. Hagyd rajta öt percig. Naponta többször is ismételd meg az eljárást az eredményesség érdekében. Csak a problémás bőrfelületre kenj belőle.

Other tips:

~Massage with almond oil under and around eyes at bed time daily for 2 weeks and see the improvement. Almond helps to remove dark circles, and is an excellent "skin food".

~Rub the area with a powdered Vitamin E capsule and wipe off with a mixture of honey and egg white.

~take one spoon potato juice and apply. wash it after 15 mts.take one spoon cucumber juice apply wash it after 15 mts.take both juice and keep in fridge to make ice and apply when ever you want.

~coconut oil and turmeric powder mixing thoroughly and will apply 4 ur face its very quick effect

~Hemorrhoid cream (Preparation H) is good for reducing swelling and irritation, which helps for bags under your eyes if you didn't get a good night's sleep. It tightens skin

Fiatalító növények es szepito novenyek, amit ne hagyj ki az etrendenbol!

1. Articsóka

Az olaszparajnak is emlegetett articsókát eredetileg a Földközi-tenger környékén termesztették, ahol már kétezer éve is ínyencségnek számított. Sokoldalú gyógy- és fűszernövény, bár Magyarországon elsősorban dísznövényként ismerik.
Fiatalít, mert….
…összetevői védik a máj sejtjeit, gondoskodnak az epe optimális összetételéről és termelődéséről. Rendszeres fogyasztása megvéd a magas koleszterinszint kialakulásától, tisztító és méregtelenítő hatása miatt pedig a köszvény, az ízületi gyulladás, valamint a veseproblémák kezelésében is hatékony.
Így fogyaszd:
Frissen a leghatásosabb! Vásárláskor kisebb bimbókat válassz, amelyeken a húsos levelek szorosan egymásra simulnak. Készíthetsz belőle levest, főzeléket, salátát. Fűszerezni nem nagyon kell, ízesíteni leginkább citromlével érdemes. Teája epe- és májbántalmak, valamint emésztési panaszok és étvágytalanság esetén segít. Elkészítéséhez egy teáskanál apróra vágott articsókára önts egy csésze forró vizet, és hagyd állni 7-8 percig.
Fogyasztása nagyon ritkán enyhe gyomor- és bélbántalmakkal járhat.

2. Csalán

Latin nevét az uro, vagyis az égni szóból képezték, ami nem véletlen, hiszen a csaláncsípés égető érzését mindenkit ismeri.
Fiatalít, mert…
…tisztítja a vért, méregteleníti a szervezetet és fokozza az immunrendszer működését. Gyökerétől kezdve a szárán és a levelein keresztül a virágjáig minden része gyógyító hatású. Tele van vitaminokkal, legfőképpen C-, B-, K-, U- és A-vitaminnal. Ásványianyag-tartalma is jelentős, kiváló magnézium-, cink- és vasforrás.

5 fiatalító növény, amit ne hagyj ki az étrendedből!
Így fogyaszd:
Méregteleníts csalánteával, ami az anyagcserédet is serkenti, ettől pedig a bőröd is megszépül. Egy púpozott teáskanál csalánlevelet önts le 2,5 dl forrásban lévő vízzel, rövid ideig hagyd ázni, majd szűrd le. A csalántea eltávolítja a szervezetből a mérgeket, tisztítja a teljes emésztőcsatornát és fokozottabb vízkiválasztásra serkenti a vesét. Magasvastartalma miatt kifejezetten ajánlott a vérszegényeknek is. A csalánfőzetes borogatás pedig kiváló reumatikus ésízületi fájdalmakra is.
A csalánból készült főzet általában biztonságos, csak ritkán vált ki allergiás reakciókat. Kúraszerűen célszerű inni, két hétnél tovább azonban ne fogyaszd.

3. Csipkebogyó

A vadrózsa gyümölcsének is nevezik az aprócska, piros termésű C-vitamin-bombát, melynek fogyasztása nemcsak a megfázásos időszakokban ajánlott, hanem egész évben.
Fiatalít, mert…
…magas C-vitamintartalma miatt fokozza a szervezet ellenálló-képességét, a benne található hatóanyagok gyulladásgátló és immunerősítő hatást fejtenek ki. Fontos szerepe van a csontozat, a fogak és a bőr egészségének megőrzésében – vagyis egyszerre szépít és fiatalít. Vérszegénység ellen is kiváló, mert segíti a vas felszívódását. A csipkebogyó erőteljesen lúgos kémhatású, így hozzájárul a szervezet természetes sav-bázis egyensúlyához.
Így fogyaszd:
Legjobb, ha frissen eszed a bogyókat, mert így juthatsz a legtöbb vitaminhoz, a termést érdemes az első őszi fagyok idején szedni, mert ezután folyamatosan veszít vitamintartalmából. Ha teát készítesz belőle, ne forrázd le a csipkebogyókat, mert akkor elveszítik C-vitamin-tartalmukat. Kb. 2 evőkanálnyi mennyiségre önts hideg vizet, és fél napig hagyd állni, így a vitamin anélkül oldódik ki a termésekből, hogy sérülne. Miután leszűröd, kissé fellangyosítva fogyaszd. Mivel a C-vitamin hamar kiürül a szervezetből, a folyamatos utánpótlás érdekében ne igyál egyszerre nagyobb mennyiséget a csipketeából, inkább kisebb adagokra oszd szét. Finom lekvár is készülhet belőle, ezenkívül saláták és édességek ízesítésére is alkalmas.
Fogyasztása teljesen biztonságos, mellékhatásai nem ismertek.

4. Galagonya

A tüskés szárú, piros termésű galagonya sokáig a balszerencse szimbóluma volt, mivel a néphagyomány szerint Jézus töviskoszorúja is galagonya ágakból készült. „Rossz híre” miatt különleges gyógyhatására csak a középkor derekától figyeltek fel.
Fiatalít, mert…
…közvetlenül befolyásolja a szív izom munkabírását, tágítja az ereket, javítja a szív vérellátását. Ez az erőteljes szíverősítő hatás magas flavo noid (SZÓTÁR) tartalmának köszönhető. Hatóanyagai csökkentik a vérnyomást és a vér koleszterinszintjét. Stresszoldó hatása is ismert, és álmatlanság ellen is kiváló.
Így fogyaszd:
Eheted tabletta, kapszula, tinktúra, por, vagy ihatod tea formájában. Utóbbihoz 2 dl forró vízzel forrázz le 1 teáskanálnyi szárított galagonyalevelet, majd 15 perc elteltével szűrd le.
Ritkán okozhat émelygést, izzadást és bőrkiütést.

5. Ginszeng

A borostyánfélék családjába tartozó növény Kelet-Ázsiából származik. Gyökere emberi alakhoz hasonlít, ezért a keleti néphit szerint a halhatatlanság záloga.
Fiatalít, mert…
…általános erősítő: javítja a teljesítményt, véd a kimerültség ellen. Az izmok működésére is kedvező hatással van, ezenkívül népszerű afrodiziákum. Sokoldalú jótékony hatása biológiai anyagok sokaságának köszönhető, ilyen a növényi szőlőcukor, az A-vitamin, a B1- és B2- vitaminok, az alkaloidok, az ösztrogén és a szelén, valamint a különféle illóolajok. Az, hogy a ginszeng a szervezetre ilyen csodálatos hatással van, nem az összetevők mennyiségével magyarázható, sokkal inkább azok speciális elrendeződésével.
Így fogyaszd:
Készíts házi ginszengfőzetet: 1-2 gramm gyökérport keverj össze 500 ml hideg vízzel, majd főzd 20 percen keresztül. A teát egész napra elosztva idd meg. De fogyaszthatod a ginszenget tabletta vagy por formájában is, így is jókora energialöketet ad!
Élénkítő hatása miatt előfordulhat, hogy nehezíti az elalvást, így késő délután már ne fogyaszd.

Ételek a gyönyörű, sugárzó arcbőrért

Máj, tengeri hal, tejtermékek, tojás
Ugyan kevesen szeretik a májat és a halat, te jól teszed, ha rendszeresen fogyasztasz belőlük, ugyanis a bennük lévő A-vitamin nélkülözhetetlen a sejtek növekedéséhez, így a bőrsejtek fejlődéséhez is. Onnan veheted észre, hogy nincs elég A-vitamin a szervezetedben, hogy berepedezik a bőröd (elsősorban a szád környékén), és a szőrtüszők környékén megvastagodik.

Ha a belsőségeket (máj, szív, vese) nem is bírod megenni, tengeri halat, tejet és tojást (főleg a sárgájában van nagyon sok A-vitamin) érdemes beiktatni az étrendedbe, mert ezek olyan fontos anyagokat tartalmaznak, mint a kalcium, az omega-3 zsírsav vagy a vas. Az omega-3 zsírsavak a bőrt egyébként is simábbá, ragyogóbbá teszik, és mivel gyulladáscsökkentő hatásúak, ezért a pattanások elleni harcban is hatásosnak bizonyulnak.

Étrend a gyönyörű bőrért
Káposzta, karfiol, kelbimbó, citrusfélék
Az örök kedvenc, a C-vitamin is nélkülözhetetlen ahhoz, hogy a bőröd szép legyen. A C-vitamin az E-vitaminnal együtt serkenti az új kollagénrostok képződését, így a bőröd sokkal rugalmasabb lesz!

Mivel a C-vitamint gyakorlatilag nem lehet túladagolni, hiszen a felesleget a szervezet úgyis kiüríti - a vesédre kell csak ügyelned, ha negyobb mennyiségben viszed be a szervezetedbe -, ezért szinte annyi vitaminbombát ehetsz, amennyit csak akarsz. Bátran válogathatsz, hiszen a legfinomabb gyümölcsök tele vannak C-vitaminnal: jelentős mennyiség van a málnában, az eperben, a kiviben, a narancsban, a citromban, a vérnarancsban és a grapefruitban is!

Búzacsíra, teljes kiőrlésű gabonafélék, olajos magvak
Úgy veszed észre, hogy bőröd idő előtt elkezdett ráncosodni, öregedni? Ne hagyd, hogy ez a folyamat még jobban felgyorsuljon, inkább juttass be a szervezetedbe minél több E-vitamint, ugyanis ez csökkenti a szabadgyökök okozta sejtkárosodást, amely a bőr idő előtti öregedéséért felelős. Az E-vitamin hatására az arcod frissebbé, kisimultabbá válik majd!

Mivel a dohányzás és a túlzásba vitt szoláriumozás vagy napozás is gyorsítja a ráncosodást, az étrend rendbetétele mellett arra is figyelned kell, hogy a cigarettát és a túlzott mennyiségű barnulást minél inkább mellőzd! Aki dohányzik, annak egyébként is több E-vitaminra van szüksége az átlagosnál. Ha száraz a bőröd és hámlik, akkor napi egy evőkanál olívaolaj lehet a megoldás! Amiben még sok E-vitamint találsz az a brokkoli, a szójabab, a margarin, a spenót és a növényi olajak.

Víz és zöld leveles zöldségek
Hamuszürke a bőröd, a szemed alatt pedig még sötétebb karikák húzódnak? Lehet, hogy a vízhiány okozza a bőr szürkeségét! Számolj utána: napi két-három liter folyadékra mindenképpen szükséged van, de ha sportolsz vagy fizikai munkát végzel, akkor még ennél is többre! A szem alatti karikák pedig sok esetben vashiány miatt alakulnak ki: végeztess el egy vérvizsgálatot, és ha az eredmény kevés vasat mutat ki, akkor fogyassz minél több spenótot, káposztát, májat!

Being Regular: 3 Times a Day Keeps The Doctor Away

How Raw Foods Can Promote Regularity

For you to understand how important being regular is, it is probably important you first understand what irregularity means. Many people are not regular and don't realize it. Consider how many bowel movements you have during the day. Do you have one, two, and three? None? Most people have less than three during the day, a sign of irregularity. If you are not having three consistent bowel movements a day the chances are high you are irregular. A health person eating plenty of fiber and drinking lots of water, enough to remain hydrated should have roughly three bowel movements each day.

Effects of Chronic Irregularity

This fact shocks most people. This is because so many people walk around constipated they don't realize what being regular means. There are many consequences of not being regular. Irregularity can have devastating effects on the body and the colon. Here are just a few effects of irregularity:

  • Hemorrhoids or worse, anal fissures, which can cause pain and rectal bleeding both externally and internally. Most people that develop these conditions actually experience more constipation because it becomes painful to have a bowel movement, so they avoid one.
  • Impacted feces, a condition where feces become so hardened it becomes stuck in the bowel, forming an obstruction. This can be dangerous, and result in bacteria growing within the bowels in some cases. In other cases it can cause a person to strain so hard they develop a hernia.
  • Development of cancers of the colon, which may result from long-term impacted fecal matter.
  • Clogged lymph nodes, poor skin, and ill-functioning kidneys, all resulting from the lack of ability to remove waste matter from the body. Decreased energy and lethargy.
  • Chronic pain or malaise, including joint pain or muscle pains. Some people develop arthritis-like conditions.
  • Problems with the gallbladder.
Benefits of a Raw Food Diet

The good news is many of these problems can be eliminated or greatly reduced by consuming much more fiber and water. The elimination of many processed foods can also help improve symptoms. Unfortunately most of today's modern diet contains too much sodium, too many preservatives and too little fiber.

This is not the case with a raw food diet. A raw food diet is high in vitamins, minerals, water and fiber. A raw food diet can actually improve one's bowel health and decrease problems with constipation, stimulating the bowels to function normally.

If one decides to adopt a raw foods diet, they can first embark on a cleansing ritual like a colonic or enema for a few days to eliminate impacted fecal matter. They can then embark on a healthy journey toward wellness.

What is a Raw Foods Diet All About?

A raw food diet consists primary of consuming plant foods that are not processed and not cooked. The staples of this diet include:

  • Fruits (fresh and organic)
  • Vegetables (uncooked)
  • Sprouted seeds and nuts
  • Grains (soaked and sprouted)
  • Beans (sprouted)
  • Dried fruit
  • Seaweed

Remember the food must be raw. This does not mean however that it is not softened. Raw foodists believe if you heat food above 116 degrees you will destroy valuable enzymes that are critical for digestion and even absorption. This in turn may destroy important energy offered by the food, what some call the food's primal energy or life force.

Health Benefits of a Raw Food Diet

Much like humans have a life force so too does food so say the raw foodists, and they may be right based on their health and wellness. A raw food diet consists of 75% or more raw foods.

Some of the health benefits of a raw food diet include:

  • Greater regularity
  • Decreased constipation
  • High fiber
  • Improved digestion
  • Less bloating and edema (water retention)
  • Improved skin and less acne
  • Increased energy and better sleep
  • Weight loss for many
  • Improved cardiovascular health or decreased risk for heart disease from cholesterol and related problems

There is very little saturated fat in the raw food diet and much in the way of vitamins and minerals that are hard to find in traditional diets packed with processed ingredients and trans fats.

Who Can Enjoy a Raw Food Diet?

Most people will benefit from a raw food diet. It promotes greater regularity and better health. If just starting a raw food diet most people will experience some withdrawal symptoms especially if they consumed a lot of sugar in their previous diet or caffeine.

There are some people that should consult with a doctor before considering a raw food diet because it may not be appropriate even if it does promote greater regularity. These include:

  • Very young children, as they may need supplemental food to ensure proper growth and protein.
  • Women that are pregnant and nursing, as they may require more iron and protein, although a raw foods diet can be supplemented with plenty of foods that when combined provide complete proteins.
  • People with chronic illnesses especially those that affect the blood.
  • People that have problems with bone density, although a doctor may clear them to participate in a raw food diet.

Remember these categories do not necessarily exclude you from a diet; you may simply need to consult with a doctor and nutritionist prior to starting. Among the especially delicious treats associated with the raw foods diet include carob and coconut milk!

How Many Bowel Movements Should You Have Each Day?

Most doctors don’t ask you about your regularity. They may think it is not important to have a bowel movement every day. In fact, some doctors think its ok when you have 2-3 bowel movements a week.

If you have one, two or more bowel movements a day, you may still be constipated. If you are leaving fecal matter along your colon walls because you don’t eat enough fiber this is considered constipation. Remember constipation is really the elimination of all fecal matter that passes through your colon from the food that you ate in the previous meals.

If you sit on the toilet and have to stay there over 5-10 minutes pushing, straining, or paining to have a bowel movement, then you are constipated. Straining to have a bowel movement, overtime, leads to hemorrhoids, varicose veins, or fissures.

If you eat three meals a day, then you should have three bowel movements each day. The first bowel movement should take place in the morning when you wake up or soon after you have had breakfast. Typical you should experience the urge for a bowel movement 20-30 minutes after you eat. The other bowel movements should be during the day and just before bedtime.

If you eat three meals a day and only have one or two bowel movements, then the second and third meal are backing up in your colon and staying there too long.

When your fecal matter stays too long in your colon, water and toxins are pulled out of the fecal matter and absorbed through your colon wall. This makes the fecal matter stiff and hard. Your colon will now have a hard time moving this hard fecal matter through its sections and out the rectum. The result is puffing and straining in the bathroom.

Fat fighting and Stress fighting foods

8 fat fighting foods

Almonds Almond joy! Dieters who ate 3 ounces of these nuts every day reduced their weight and body-mass index by a solid 18 percent compared with an 11 percent drop in the no-nut group, a study in the International Journal of Obesity found. Almonds are high in alpha-linolenic acid, which can speed the metabolism of fats. Stick to 12 per serving.

Berries Vitamin C–loaded fruit such as strawberries and raspberries can help you sizzle up to 30 percent more fat during exercise, suggests research from Arizona State University at Mesa. Blend a vinaigrette of 1 cup berries and ¼ cup balsamic vinegar.

This spice could make your waistline nice. Sprinkling ¼ teaspoon on your food may prevent a postmeal insulin spike—this increase normally occurs after you eat and “signals the body that it should store fat rather than burn it,” explains Lauren Slayton, R.D., of New York City. Add a dash to your oatmeal, yogurt or coffee.

Mustard Hello, yellow. The spice that gives mustard its color, turmeric, may slow the growth of fat tissues, a study in the journal Endocrinology notes. Eighty-six mayo in favor of any mustard; sprinkle turmeric on cauliflower and roast for a tangy side.

Oranges Prevent pound creep with this citrus star: It contains fat-torching compounds called flavones. Women who ate the most flavones had a significantly lower increase in body fat over a 14-year period, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition finds. Snack on slices or drink freshly squeezed OJ (with pulp!) for the biggest payback.

Soybeans These green gems are rich in choline, a compound that blocks fat absorption and breaks down fatty deposits. Add ½ cup edamame to a salad.

Sweet potatoes
Trade up to sweet taters. They’re high in fiber, which means no drastic insulin jumps and thus less fat packed onto your hips. Bake a small sweet potato—think of two bars of soap as a portion size—and top with a dollop of lowfat or nonfat cottage cheese.

Swiss cheese Holy cow: “Calcium-rich foods reduce fat-producing enzymes and increase fat breakdown,” says Michael B. Zemel, Ph.D., director of the Nutrition Institute at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Put toe to toe with some of its cheesy counterparts, Swiss is a heavy hitter in the calcium department; layer a slice on a lunchtime sandwich, or stack some on high-fiber crackers.

5 stress-fighting superfoods


Three cups of spinach supply 40 percent of your daily magnesium, a mineral that blunts stress's effects on the body by stopping blood pressure from spiking, says Beth Reardon, R.D., director of integrative nutrition at Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, North Carolina.


Healthy people who were exposed to cold viruses were more likely to get sick if they were under pressure, a study from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh finds. Even a brief bout of tension can influence your immune system, but vitamin C in citrus bolsters your body's natural bug barricades, so you can stay well.


This treat's pacifying powers are all in your head. "Cocoa boosts your body's levels of neurochemicals, which act on parts of the brain to help produce a sense of happiness and relaxation," says Alan Hirsch, M.D., director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago.


Omega-3 fatty acids in fish such as salmon and tuna can help quell anxiety. Test takers who consumed more of the healthy fats for three weeks halted a surge in stress hormones when they were faced with a tough quiz, according to a study inDiabetes & Metabolism.


Spoon up serenity! The B vitamins in oats stimulate production of serotonin, a key neurotransmitter that sends soothing signals to your brain. Elisa Zied, R.D., author of Nutrition at Your Fingertips (Alpha Books), adds that your body digests oatmeal slowly, so you absorb the serotonin steadily.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Alkalize or Die - with chart

Too much acidity in the body is like having too little oil in your car. It just grinds to a halt one lazy Sunday afternoon. There you are - stuck. The body does the same thing. It starts creaking to a stop along the byways of life and you find yourself in some kind of discomfort.
"I just don't feel as good as I did a year or two ago"
"Doc, I am getting stiff and sore in my muscles"
"It's been coming on slowly... must be arthritis or rheumatism"

Unfortunately, waste acids that are not eliminated when they should be are reabsorbed from the colon into the liver and put back into general circulation. They then deposit in the tissues. It is these tissue residues that determine sickness or health!

Acid wastes literally attack the joints, tissues, muscles, organs and glands causing minor to major dysfunction. Everyone is different, we all have weaker points/tendencies to get sick, gain weight to a certain body part etc.

if attacking the joints ==> arthritis
if attacking the muscles ==> myofibrosis (aching muscles)
if attacking the organs/glands ==> myriad of illnesses

The sad part is that our current understanding of health care feeds this negative pattern. Many truly believe they are meant to suffer these aches and paines with time. After all their parents did. Their parents naively popped acid-forming synthetic substance they could into their bodies to artificially whip the undernourished glands into a little more stimulation for a few hours. If that didn't work they could always swallow another drug when the pain started again.

Another factor in the alkaline/acid equation is how the body processes the minerals in food.
Alkaline-forming (acid-binding) minerals: (foods or other ingested substances that contain these, usually yield an alkaline residue)

  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • sodium
  • potassium
  • iron
  • manganese

Acid-forming (alkaline-binding) minerals: (foods or other ingested substances that contain these, usually yield an acid residue)

  • Phosphorous

  • Sulphur
  • Chlorine
  • Iodine
  • Bromine
  • Fluorine
  • Copper
  • Silicon


pH (potential Hydrogen) - measures the number of hydroxyl (OH-) ions (alkaline) as opposed to the amount of hydrogen (H+) ions (acid). We are an entire system of highly organized electrical reactions. We are vibrating beings. The stronger the inner vibration, the healthire we are.

The body does'n have an endless quantity of bicarbonate ions available to neutralize all irresponsible infringements on the law of alkaline-acid. The alkaline reserve is only a back-up system with limited quantity to keep you from constantly poisoning yourself with too much acid-forming food. When there is overindulgence in acid-forming foods (esp. fried processed foods) the body sickens. In its marvelous wisdom, the body will make every possible effort to rebalance this transgression by expelling as quickly as possible. all the acid-forming residues. But when the alkaline reserve is depleted, death follows.

To replenish and sustain your alkaline reserves, eat 80% alkaline & 20% acid-forming foods.

A pH of 6.5 for both saliva and urine simultaneously is optimal

FYI: Alkaline foods have a cooling effect upon the system and digest quickly <== hotter and drier environments it can be (90%) ratio. that is why Mother Nature is exceedingly wise, in the Sahara desert, dates and other fruits exist.

Acid foods have a heating-effect and digest slowly <== that is why near the poles (very cold), in the Arctic, animals exist to serve this acid need


~ one of the most alkaline-dependent organs
~ it pumps about 520 quarts of blood an hour so if blood is not toxin-free,it puts a tremendous strain upon the heart
~ correct heartbeat is altered by acid wastes


~ its primary mission of keeping us alkaline by the exchange of gases in our breathing and the elimination of formed acid waste products in the bloodstream


~ without proper hydrochloric acid breakdown of foods the foods become too acidic which creates a multitude of problems


~ has 300+ functions
~ primarily it processes acid toxins from the blood and produces numerous alkaline enzymes for the system
~defense against any poisons
~it is the "river of life" - keep it flowing with alkaline forming foods


~highly dependent on correct alkaline diet
~ it produces alkaline digestive enzymes and sodium acidity
~ regulates blood sugar balance which creates energy in the blood


~ Peyer's Patches - upper portion
~ produce large amounts of enzyme chyle

~ formation and excretion of urine and excess acids
~ in an adult, about 1 liter of blood per minute passes through them
~ they keep the blood alkaline and extract acid albumen
~ kidney stones are composed of waste acid cells and mineral salts which have become strucurally gummed together in an albuminous (waste acid) substance

~ dependent on iodine which assists in eliminating excess acid wastes that could go up into the brain

~ systems that are too acid lay an impossible burden on this organ==> either becomes enlarged or simply slows down its job, further toxifying the overall system

~ produce a multitude of hormones
~ importance of increasing energy
~ help the liver and pancreas to regulate blood sugar

~ must be kept clean of accumulated acid wastes
~ poisons collect on the colon walls and without inproper bowel movements (diarrhea or constipation) will harden and reabsorb into the bloodstream



~ there are 3x as much lymph fluid as blood
~ not only carries nutrition to the cell but removes acid waste products as well
~ lymph fluid flows best in an alkaline medium

Hydrochloric acid (HCL) - the first substance in the stomach that breaks down food. It helps us alive by maintaining proper alkaline/acid balance and then becomes alkaline after its vital jobin the digestive process is done. 8 essential amino acids, 2 vitamins and 15 minerals are dependent on proper HCL for absorption. Vitamin B12 and folic acid simply will not be absorbed from food sources without the correct amount of HCL in the stomach.
***for further info, such as deficiency cures

  • reduce dairy products (homogenized, pasteurized, processed type, highly mucous-forming)
  • reduce eggs (mucous-producing) , eat no more than 6 per week
  • reduce wheat (gluten forms a glue in the intestine and clogs it) Instead eat rice, rye, pumpernickel, soy or millet bread! Essene bread - made of crushed rye sprouts, baked at a low temperature or in the sun.
  • AVOID refined foods, sugars and salts (highly acidic)

Melon - it it alone or 20 mins before another meal. they digest quickly

Fruits, Vegetables - DO NOT MIX THEM (fruits digest in 75 mins, veggies digest in 3 hours!)

Fruits and Starches - DO NOT COMBINE THEM (avoid fruit breads/cakes)

Starches and Vegetables - COMBINE WELL TOGETHER (avoid more than 2 starchy foods)

Starches and Protein - DO NOT COMBINE THEM

General Eating Recommendations

  1. Eat only when hungry
  2. Keep your meals simple. 3 or 4 foods are enough
  3. Take digestive aids containing betaine hydrochloride, or digestive enzymes, 5 mins before each major meal unless you eat only fresh fruits
  4. Don't cook with hardened vegetable oils
  5. Eat foods at room temperature
  6. Eat juicy foods prior to concentrated foods
  7. Eat raw foods before cooked foods
  8. Eat more raw foods in the summer
  9. Avoid refined foods and sweeteners
  10. Chew food 25-50 times per mouthful
  12. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day, between meals
  13. Eat a meal to fit the type of work you do
  14. Do not eat when tired, anxious, angry, overheated, chilled, in pain, emotionally upset, or have a high fever
  15. Soak in hot bath (2-3cups of epsom salt, 1/4cup of aking soda) for 20-30 mins before bed
  16. Sleep 7-8 hrs/day. During the sleep period many acid by-products eliminated
  17. Exercise, and be consistent with it. Once the body has become accustomed to exercise, it craves it, for it pumps all organs and glands

An aberrant virus, fungus or bacteria in the body can only survive in an acid environment.

JETLAG : (the air inside a plane's cabin is loaded with + ions (acid forming). this imbalances the alkaline-acid ratios in out bodies, affecting the brain, causing the feeling of jetlag)

  • drink plenty of juices (green juices or chlorophyll powder mix) and water - 8 oz every 2 hrs
  • sleep can also increase alkalinity while in flight
  • against FEAR - take extra one-half teaspoon of chlorophyll in between the two hour intervals

METAL POISONING: Green beans and zucchini squash. Eat these two vegetables exclusively for three days. She claims it will rid your body of metal poison.Buehler’s Soup – Green beans, zucchini squash, celery, and parsley in equal parts. Cook and add seasonings. Eat for three days. Assists in removing toxic metal poisoning.Squash and strawberries help to remove arsenic poison; they are extra good for smokers as they help remove other metallic poisons.

FALLOUT: Toast one slice of bread very brown. Butter it and put cinnamon on it. If you like you may use brown sugar. This counteracts radiation.

LEAD POISONING: Take 1 tablespoon grated red cabbage three times daily. Foods rich in zinc are helpful for counteracting lead.

MERCURY POISONING: Cilantro and chlorella are known for removing mercury. Cilantro is easily contaminated; be careful in your choice. The organic ‘clean’ chlorella has been known to remove mercury from the gut, while cilantro removes mercury from the brain. Cilantro is available in drops also. NDF, a combination of liquid chlorella and cilantro is reported to “have no side effects”

CADMIUM: Vegetables from the cabbage family help remove cadmium.

NICKEL: Poppy seeds. Can be taken in rolls, cake or with honey. Take one teaspoon of poppy seeds with honey by mouth twice a day.

JUICES: Morinda has a nutritional, organic, immune-boosting product form the fruit, noni, grown in Tahiti. It is great for digestion, focusing attention and numerous other ailments. An ounce or two a day is usually sufficient. Another great juice for detoxifying metals is organic unsweetened cranberry juice. GoJi juice has been known as the “happy berry” and supports people who have depressions.

TEAS: Teas for radiation toxicity are made from thyme and willow leaves. A metal detoxification tea is Calli, made of organic blends of green and black teas by Sun Rider. From the same company comes Fortune Delight tea for toxins trapped in fat cells. Fresh organic ginger tea is good for digestion, gas, bloating, boosting energy, relieving body acid and nausea, all symptoms of metal and chemical toxicity.


1/8 teasoon of soda bicarbonate
spirits of ammonia
essence of peppermint

I made the ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) mixture adding the Baking Soda also 2 tbsp Aloe juice; 1 tbsp of organic honey; 1 tbsp of Virgin Coconut Oil (using warm water, which melts the honey and VCO).

Taking Virgin Coconut Oil after meal (1TB after every meal = 3x daily) appears to relieve the production of phlegm associated with gastric reflux. I take my last one an hour before going to bed, and wakes up in better condition than when not taking it.

for the ACV: I use 1-2 tablespoons in 10-12 ounces of water. Put in some honey or pure maple syrup to help it go down easier. Just something to naturally sweeten it.

Ginger: reportedly reduces both pain and swelling in individuals suffering from arthritis. Even at high doses, ginger generally causes little if any side effects, and can be taken for long periods of time. The usual dose as a treatment for arthritis is one to three teaspoons per day, and this amount can be made into a tea or added to food.

Red Pepper: contains a chemical called capsaicin which is known to cause the body to release endorphins and thereby helps to reduce pain. Red pepper also contains salicylate, an aspirin-like compound, that reduces both pain and inflammation. Red pepper can be mixed with water and consumed as a tea, or applied directly to the skin for relief from the symptoms of arthritis.

Stinging Nettle: is a very good source of boron, a mineral that the Rheumatoid Disease Foundation suggests taking for relief of arthritis. Stinging nettle helps in the treatment of arthritis by promoting calcium retention in bones, and balancing the body’s endocrine system.

Willow has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects similar to aspirin, and contains a chemical called salicin, which was the first herbal aspirin used. Willow often causes stomach discomfort when taken in high doses, but consuming this herb as a tea will reduce the risk of upset stomach for many people. Willow can be combined with garlic, licorice, and lemon and boiled into a tea.

Pineapple: Bromelain, a chemical found in pineapple, helps prevent inflammation and can assist the body in getting rid of immune antigen complex, which has been implicated in some arthritic conditions. Pineapple can be eaten raw, added to foods, or consumed as a juice.

Oregano: Oregano is a powerful antioxidant and may help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Free radical reactions are believed to be involved in degenerative arthritis and inflammation. Oregano can be added to foods or made into a tea.


In order for cold sores to grow and replicate, the HSV1 virus must have a generous supply of the amino acid L-arginine. Lysine, another amino acid, inhibits the virus’ ability to replicate. In the eyes of many researchers, this appears to be an effective way to help manage and shorten the duration of those that do surface.

Essential Oils

Essential oils, such as tea tree, bergamot, lemon balm, basil, oregano and geranium, have been shown to help dry cold sores during the weeping phase.4,5 Keep in mind that many essential oils are highly concentrated and may cause irritation. Diluting and patch testing is strongly recommended, especially for anyone with sensitive skin. If you’re new to essential oils, pick up a copy of the book “Aromatherapy for Everyone”, by PJ Pearson and Mary Shipley. It’s a great guide for both new and experienced users.

B Vitamins

Taking a
Stress B Complex and B-12 can help support a healthy nervous system and both have been used by millions to help cope with many forms of stress. Since the HSV1 virus lies dormant in the nerves between attacks, this can be a great additional support nutrient.

Immune system support

How fast a person recovers from a bout with cold sores has a lot to do with how responsive their immune system is.
Antioxidants, especially Vitamins C and E,Zinc, Selenium and Alpha Lipoic Acid, can eliminate free radicals.;6 Probiotics work at the gastrointestinal level to help boost immune system response, and mushroom-based formulas stimulate the production of immune-boosting beta-glucans. Zinc Gluconate has been shown to disarm the virus’s ability to replicate.7

If you’re among the millions of Americans who suffer from recurrent outbreaks, you may be able to reduce your number of annual episodes by taking the following measures:

· Avoid foods high in Arginine (nuts, chocolate, and wheat) and replace them with foods rich in Lysine (potatoes, milk, beef, chicken, cheese, and yogurt). Avoid alcohol, caffeine and sugar.

· Never touch a cold sore with your bare hands. If you need to apply any drying or healing agents, do so with a clean
cotton swab.

· Throw away toothbrushes used during outbreaks, and wash any linens or towels that were used at the time.

· Get lots of
sleep. If your outbreak is making this difficult, supplementingmelatonin or GABA at bedtime may be able to help.

· Do whatever you can to avoid
stress. It is one of the most common triggers.

· Use high SPF
sunscreen and lysine or zinc-based lip balms every day, even during the winter months.

If you’re one of the fortunate who don’t suffer from outbreaks and would like to keep it that way, the following may be able to help. The HSV1 virus is a relentless survivor, and can live on surfaces for several days after exposure.

· Don’t allow any item that has been out of your possession to touch your mouth. Office pens and pencils are two perfect examples. Use straws in restaurants when possible.

· Wash your hands often—not just when you’re sick, dirty or after using the washroom, but several times throughout the day.

· Even in family and platonic situations, be mindful of who you kiss. Be even more mindful of who greets and/or kisses your children. If you know (or even suspect) that a relative or close friend of the family has a history of cold sores, mention it politely. If that’s too embarrassing, have them read this article. You can blame me for even suggesting it.

· Keep a bottle of
hand sanitizer in a convenient location, and use it after touching anything that gets high volume public use such at ATMs, gas pumps, debit/credit card authorization devices, and coffee cup/lid dispensers. Avoid the temptation to reach for a handful of unwrapped after dinner mints.